
Explore By Topic: Loneliness

Despite all the perceived connections we have on social media, loneliness is widespread. Like many emotional experiences, loneliness can range from temporary feelings of isolation to more persistent and distressing states that impact mental health. How you talk about your own feelings of loneliness and the ways you find connection can help your community feel less alone and take actions that support their mental health.

Need to Know

Loneliness is a universal human experience, but it can also be a complex condition that affects well-being.

The key distinction in loneliness lies in its duration and impact on daily life. Persistent loneliness can be a risk factor for mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Factors that may contribute to loneliness include major life changes, lack of social connections, personal characteristics, and societal issues.

Symptoms of loneliness may manifest as feelings of emptiness, social withdrawal, or a deep yearning for connection with others.

Chronic loneliness can lead to increased risks of health complications, so reaching out for support is crucial.

Combating loneliness can involve social activities, community engagement, therapy, and developing meaningful relationships.

Things to Avoid

Avoid trivializing loneliness by equating it with simply being alone or without plans for the weekend.

Don’t assume someone is not lonely just because they have a large social circle or following.

Avoid conflating loneliness with social anxiety or an introverted personality.

Be cautious not to present loneliness as something that can be resolved with just one action or activity.

When sharing your personal experiences with loneliness, avoid endorsing specific interventions unless you are qualified to do so. Focus instead on the importance of seeking professional advice.

Your Opportunity

Encourage your followers to embrace vulnerability by sharing your own journey through feelings of loneliness and how you sought help.

Highlight the strength in admitting when you’re lonely and the importance of seeking connection and community.

Remind people that loneliness is about the quality — not quantity — of connections. You can know many people and still feel very alone.

When discussing strategies that have helped you manage loneliness, emphasize the uniqueness of each person’s experience and the value of personalized support from mental health professionals.

Provide your audience with resources and tools for those who may be dealing with feelings of loneliness or seeking to build stronger social connections.


The Jed Foundation →

Visit the JED Mental Health Resource Center to learn more about loneliness and ways to feel better.

Mental Health is Health →

Get info, tips, and resources from Mental Health is Health

Dial 988 Hotline →

Dial 988 for a free conversation with a trained counselor 24/7.

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