Breakups are a universal experience, often filled with a range of emotions from sadness to relief and everything in between. Most of us have experienced or will experience a breakup, but these vulnerable moments can put some people at a higher risk for mental health conditions such as depression and dangerous behaviors such as substance misuse. We have an opportunity to bring conversations about these difficult situations out of the shadows and offer hope, help, and healing.

Need to Know

A breakup can have a profound effect on emotional and physical health.

It’s crucial to differentiate between expected feelings of sadness or loss following a breakup and more severe, prolonged emotional distress that may require professional attention.

You don’t need a diagnosis to get support; a professional can help with expected feelings of sadness.

The feelings associated with a breakup can vary in duration and intensity, and there’s no right way to feel.

Factors such as the length and intensity of the relationship, personal attachment, and the circumstances surrounding the breakup can influence the emotional response.

Common reactions include sadness, anxiety, loss of interest in usual activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and challenges concentrating.

Going through a hard breakup can put you at increased risk for depression, substance misuse, and thoughts of suicide, so it’s important to get help if you feel overwhelmed or hopeless.

Things to Avoid

Refrain from using language that trivializes the emotional impact of breakups, such as, “Just get over it,” or, “There are plenty of fish in the sea.”

Avoid making assumptions about how others should feel or heal after a breakup. Healing is a personal journey and what works for one may not work for another.

Be cautious about oversharing details that may invade the privacy of others involved or lead to unnecessary speculation and gossip.

Resist the urge to vilify or blame your ex-partner publicly, since it can escalate emotions and lead to further distress for all parties involved.

Your Opportunity

Share your journey of personal growth post-breakup, highlighting that it can be a time for self-reflection and development.

Encourage your followers to engage in self-care and healthy coping mechanisms, such as pursuing hobbies, connecting with loved ones, and seeking therapy.

Promote the idea that seeking help and support during tough times is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Provide resources for people who may be struggling with the end of a relationship, emphasizing the importance of mental health and well-being.

Bring a mental health professional on your platform to discuss strategies for coping with breakups.

Remember that it’s OK to be vulnerable, and it’s OK to seek help. Your story can be a beacon of hope for someone going through a similar situation.


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