
Explore By Topic: Body Image and Eating Disorders

Body image is an issue that comes up frequently on social media. How we talk about our own self-image and experiences with eating disorders can impact our followers, especially those who are struggling. By discussing these issues thoughtfully, we can help our community feel seen and encourage them to take actions that protect their mental health.

Need to Know

Understand that body-image issues and eating disorders are complex mental health conditions, not lifestyle choices or phases.

Eating disorders can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or body type, and they’re not always visible.

The disorders include a range of behaviors beyond anorexia and bulimia, such as binge-eating disorder, use of laxatives and other medications, and body dysmorphia.

Eating disorders have psychological and physiological impacts and require professional treatment.

Eating disorders are serious and can be life-threatening. It’s crucial to approach discussions with empathy and encourage professional help.

Treatment options are available and may involve therapy, nutritional guidance, medical care, and support groups.

Things to Avoid

Refrain from glorifying certain body types or promoting unrealistic beauty standards. Avoid sharing specific details about weight, diet, or exercise routines.

Avoid showing behaviors common in eating disorders, such as calorie counting, weighing sessions, target weights, hiding purging, food restriction, and laxative and prescription medication usage.

Avoid offering simple solutions or quick fixes for body-image issues or eating disorders. Recovery is a complex and personal journey.

Your Opportunity

Use your platform to promote body positivity and diversity, showcasing that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

Focus on gratitude for what the body can do instead of always loving your body.

Encourage your followers to focus on self-acceptance and the functionality of their bodies rather than appearance.

Talk about the warning signs that someone may be dealing with an eating disorder.

Spotlight support from friends and family members.

When sharing your personal journey, emphasize the importance of seeking professional help and the benefits of treatment.

Offer a message of hope and recovery, highlighting that individuals can overcome eating disorders with the right support.


Mental Health Media Guide

Get more tips on telling stories about eating disorders in the Mental Health Media Guide.

The Jed Foundation →

Visit the JED Mental Health Resource Center to learn more about body image and eating disorders.


Find more information and ways to get help from the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA).

Dial 988 Hotline →

Dial 988 or text HOME to 741-741 for a free, confidential conversation with a trained counselor 24/7.

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